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Modern Asia

Institution code: COMM2377 (RMIT University - Vietnam campus)

Teaching period: Trimester 1/2016

Role: Lecturer

Curriculum innovation: 

I taught, and later on as part of my role as Coordinator of the Contextual studies strand, developed a revised syllabus for this course with the independent consultation of Christian Berg.

Innovations within this course include:

1. Diversifying weekly assigned background content for students. This is necessary as as the course is pitched at a first-year level. Assigned content usually comprises of an academic text, a news or magazine article, and a multimedia piece. In cases where there are multiple readings, videos, articles, students may choose one from the list from each category.

2. Diversifying the mode of assessment with a clear focus on scaffolding students’ academic literacy. Assessments include (1) an annotated bibliography in preparation for the final essay, (2) a presentation, and (3) a written essay piece.

3. Streamlining course content so that issues of globalisation and modernity become a thread tying weekly topics together, rather than existing in themselves as fragmented and inefficiently covered topics.


Week 1: What is Asia? 

Week 2: Southeast Asia – a short history

Week 3: Modernity

Week 4: Urbanisation

Week 5: Nation & National identity

Week 6: Neo-Confucianism and the role of media

Week 7: Consumerism

Week 8: Economic issues of modern and globalised Asia

Week 9: Orientalism and representations of Asia

Week 10: Gender & Sexual identities

Week 11: The crisis of modernity: the individual experience

Week 12: Course review

​Introduction Video:

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